The Ultimate Guide For a Bespoke Suit

No matter what role you play in society, dressing well is always going to be a great asset for you. And there is no other way to look better than donning a bespoke suit. A bespoke suit does not go out of style, it never shows its age and it has the potential to make any man feel like a king. However, you cannot buy this perfectly crafted outfit off the rack. You need to work with a great tailor  to craft that perfect suit. 

Do you remember when you had your first date? Or when you bought your first car? Bet you did your best to make it right! Buying your first bespoke suit will be similar, and that is why we drafted this guide to help you get through your sartorial expedition.

  1. Function;
    A bespoke suit is not just about the fitting, it also talks for you even before you open your mouth. That is why you need to know its purpose. Are you buying the suit for a wedding? A job interview? Or a funeral? Whatever the purpose, that suit needs to represent you and fulfil your needs. Be clear about what you need the suit for when talking to your tailor.
  2. The fabric;
    This is probably the most important ingredient for a bespoke suit. There are so many styles out there, but the fabric you will choose is most important since it will determine how your suit will look, feel and how long it will last. There are a good number of factors you can consider when choosing a fabric like the weather, purpose for the suit or your personal taste. Your tailor will help you to make the best choice.
  3. Work with your body type;
    Everyone has a unique body type. It is important to take this into account given that a bespoke suit is meant to fit your unique body shape and match your style preferences, unlike a suit bought off the rack. Most experienced tailors have plenty of tricks up their sleeves, and they are able to work with various body types to craft the perfect outfit.

Don’t settle for an average off-the-rack suit, go for the best bespoke suit, one which will fit you perfectly and imbue a sense of confidence that will help you overcome any obstacles. This is exactly what you will get from Apsley Bespoke Tailors. Contact us for more information and get an outfit that perfectly “suits” you.

Best wishes,

Custom Tailored Suits Online

Arshad Mahmood


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